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Elizabeth King, MPA

Quality and Compliance Coordinator for MSU Occupational Health

Pronouns: She/Her


Elizabeth has been in this position since 2010. She received a Bachelor of Arts from James Madison College at Michigan State University and went on to receive her master’s degree of Public Administration with an emphasis in Public Management from Grand Valley State University.

Elizabeth is passionate about creating and implementing policies that not only seek to solve identified problems, but also address systems/environmental changes that contribute to improved health outcomes for MSU faculty, staff, students, visitors, and the broader community.

Elizabeth grew up in Fowler, Michigan, and currently lives in Okemos, Michigan. She loves spending time with her husband and daughter, traveling, reading, enjoying all types of food, and watching all kinds of sporting events.



Quality and Compliance Coordinator for MSU Occupational Health
Olin Health Center
463 East Circle Drive
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1033