Exercise is Medicine on Campus (EIM-OC) Registered Student Organization
Exercise is Medicine® On Campus (EIM-OC) is a national initiative that encourages universities and colleges to promote physical activity as a vital sign of health. EIM-OC empowers students, faculty, staff to collaborate in creating a healthier campus by:
- Making movement a part of the daily campus culture
- Assessing physical activity at every student health visit
- Providing students with the tools necessary to strengthen healthy physical activity habits that can last a lifetime
- Connecting university health care providers with university health fitness specialists to provide a referral system for exercise prescription.
Whether you're interested in promoting physical activity, leading educational efforts, or simply connecting with others, there’s a place for you in the EIM-OC community. All students are welcome to join at any time!
For more information or to get involved:

Spartans Empower Body Acceptance (SEBA)
SEBA is a registered student organization at MSU open to all students, dedicated to raising awareness about disordered eating and eating disorders, while fostering a culture of body acceptance and inclusivity.
SEBA hosts regular meetings, activities, and special events designed to celebrate body diversity and educate students on important topics like diet culture, eating disorders, weight stigma, body image, and inclusion. The goal of the group is to promote understanding and create a more supportive, accepting environment for everyone on campus.
SEBA is not a support group for individuals with eating disorders. Instead, the focus is on advocacy, providing resources, and raising awareness about eating recovery and body acceptance.
If you are an MSU student struggling with food or weight-related concerns, University Health and Wellbeing offers medical assessments, counseling and psychiatric services, and individual nutrition counseling. Scheduling an appointment with a professional can be a helpful first step in supporting your health and wellbeing.
For more information or to get involved:

Spartans’ Organization for All Recovery (SOAR)
SOAR is MSU’s registered student organization dedicated to supporting Spartans in recovery and their allies. We create a welcoming and fun environment where students in recovery from substance misuse can connect, grow, and thrive together. SOAR meets weekly to plan events, socialize and support each other in recovery and offers social events, service opportunities, and peer support.
For more information or to get involved:

Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Registered Student Organization
The Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is dedicated to advocating for the health and well-being of MSU students. Our mission is to ensure that Student Health Services becomes the go-to on-campus health resource for students, and that the student voice is central to its decision-making process.
SHAC works to amplify students' needs, values, and opinions by making recommendations to Student Health Services and MSU Administration, ensuring that students are heard and their health concerns are addressed.
SHAC represents MSU students in various student government organizations, MSU committees, and with the City of East Lansing. We advocate for student health issues and help shape policies and initiatives that impact student well-being on campus.
For more information or to get involved:
Student Wellbeing Activator Network (SWAN)
In efforts to bring MSU student voices into the conversation about health and wellbeing, University Health and Wellbeing (UHW) created a student advisory council, the Student Wellbeing Activator Network (SWAN). The purpose of SWAN is to garner student input and feedback to cultivate culturally informed and holistic health and wellbeing services, programs, and initiatives for MSU students.
SWAN has 20 seats each semester for student representatives. 15 seats are for student members who are also a member of a Registered Student Organization (RSO) at MSU and serve as a liaison between the advisory group and their RSO. SWAN meets monthly with the Graduate Student SWAN Coordinator and members of UHW Senior Leadership Team to review current student health and wellbeing policies, services, programs, and initiatives in order provide their feedback and suggestions.
SWAN is an excellent leadership opportunity for student advocacy in the topic of health and wellbeing. Student participants have the opportunity to leave a lasting, positive, impact on MSU's campus.
For more information or if you are a student interested in becoming a part of the network, please email Emma Larocca, the Student Activator Wellbeing Network (SWAN) Advisor: larocca1@msu.edu.
The SWAN Initiative was the recipient of the 2023 American College Health Foundation Well-Being Award and the MSU Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants from the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion.