Our mission is to provide opportunities for any Spartan, anywhere to develop or strengthen the skills needed to effectively respond to their unique collection of challenges. Like other institutions of higher education, the demand for counseling services at MSU is greater than our current capacity to meet that demand. The level of stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, trauma, and secondary trauma being experienced by our community can be seen and felt across the University. This is true across all populations: undergraduate, graduate, faculty, staff, and leaders.
Unfortunately, because of stigma, toxic positivity, emotional avoidance, and cultural conditioning, most people who are emotionally and psychologically struggling will not engage in counseling.
This leads us to a curious question:
What if we take the resilience training out of the counseling offices and bring skill-building opportunities directly into the learning, working, and social environments Spartans already engage in?
Through a variety of media and teaching formats, we seek to ensure that resilience education is accessible, inclusive, and ever-present as part of the "Spartan Experience."
Like most Big 10 university brand strategies, MSU has powerful images and messages about the excellence of our students, faculty, and staff. Who will solve real world problems? We will, of course, because of our Spartan Will.
We are expected to have "Uncommon Will" as if our students are magically different from other students, like the ones at the school down the road who are busy "hailing to the Victors." These messages inadvertently increase the performance pressure our students feel and can have unintended outcomes of increased stress, fear of failure, self-criticism, and imposter syndrome.
Spartan Resilience seeks to balance these messages by providing the skills building required to live at the intersection of healthy and high performing. We believe that "Uncommon Will" requires uncommon skills, and every Spartan deserves to have access to resilience training to help them meet the demands placed upon them.
Our goal is to infuse Spartan branding with wellness concepts, incorporating mindfulness and other grounding practices into the very fabric of how teaching, learning, and business happens at Michigan State University. Integrating resilience training into every aspect of life at Michigan State will best prepare Spartans to provide leadership for the common good in their personal and professional lives.
Spartan Resilience Education Program Priorities
Scale resilience education to reach large numbers of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and leaders.
Enhance culture change efforts related to DEI-B and RVSM, and develop a "culture of care" at MSU by actively supporting students, faculty, and staff engaged in these change efforts.
What makes our model different from most resilience training programs is we don't just focus on the personal and interpersonal levels of change. We emphasize the importance of each person developing critical awareness of the impact systems of power, and privilege has on both our individual health and our collective health and wellbeing.
Spartan Resilience is dedicated to building a critical mass of Spartans who can serve as sustainable agents of institutional and cultural change, allowing us to build a culture that truly upholds our values and supports all our people.

Photo: Based on the work of Visions Incorporated